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Drink Coffee - Lose Weight!


Try our Nuvia Cafe

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" I drank the Nuvia Trim while I wasn't on any type of diet not even my Lean Shakes and I've slacked I didn't exercise either, but much to my surprise and you will be happy to know that I had lost some weight. As a matter of fact I lost 9.8 pounds. I'm actually shocked that I even lost any weight at all because of the way I was eating, and I wasn't hungry either."  - Debra's Dollar$ - Super Mommy Blogger

" I never thought that a weight loss coffee would ever taste this great I reviewed the weight loss coffee for four days and noticed that it taste great with or without sugar. " - Daisy's Blog - Daisy's Reviews


Coffee with Green Coffee Bean Extract has come into popularity for its skinny weight loss benefits. Containing chlorogenic acid, green coffee beans helps to balance the blood sugar which can burn more fat. This skinny coffee is also a powerful antioxidant coffee that fights free radicals that can damage our cells.

Raspberry Ketone has come into popularity for its effectiveness in burning calories to help accelerate weight loss. An aromatic compound found in red raspberries, it is also known to contain antioxidants to protect against diseases and prevent damage to body cells.

African Mango, a popular fruit in West Africa has been found to aid in weight loss and lower cholesterol levels. The seed extract from African Mango is also rich in calcium, iron and the B vitamins.

Green Tea Extract has been known for its health benefits as it is loaded with polyphenols and antioxidants such as ECGC. The ECGC found in green tea extract helps in negating the unfavorable effects of a fatty diet. Green Tea Extract with ECGC included in Nuvia Trim helps to suppress your appetite and contributes in burning calories to aid in weight loss.

Ganoderma commonly known as lingzhi has been widely used in East Asia to prevent and treat different diseases such as cancer. Studies also show that ganoderma supports the immune system and aids in cardiovascular health.

Garcinia Cambogia is high in the compound HCA -- it suppresses your appetite as it helps to block fat! By increasing serotonin levels, Garcinia Cambogia causes a feeling of overall well-being, and tells your body that you are happy. Not only will you feel good, you will also avoid over-indulgence due to stress, and that feels even better!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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